Wednesday, June 13, 2012

"Whooah We're Halfway There, Livin' On A Prayer"

This week we have reached the halfway mark with Lane Henry!!!  WooHoo!!  Jason and I went to Memphis this Monday to check in with the High-Risk Specialist.  This appointment was more for us to have peace of mind than it was that there was a worry anything was wrong with Lane Henry.  The appointment went AMAZING!  It was absolutely what I had been praying for it to be.  The ultrasound lasted around 45 minutes and they looked at every inch of Lane Henry’s body.  From head to toe he seems perfect!  I know I drove the ultrasound tech crazy with questions,  but I had a mental checklist that I had to see with my own eyes.  She was perfect and patient with us and awesome at her job.  Lane Henry has hit a growth spurt in the last few weeks.  He has been measuring right on target with my due date, which is November 1.  But at the appointment he has grown to where he is actually a little over a week ahead.  A little overachiever :).  He weighs around 13 ounces right now and about the length of a banana.  At the beginning of the appointment he would cooperate and let us look at everything but towards the end I guess he had had enough and was just flipping and moving all around (I think this is a Jason characteristic).  After the ultrasound we had a meeting with the doctor and it was very short because there really wasn’t that much to report.  Lane Henry looks perfect!  But hearing those words from him meant the world to Jason and me.  It was like we could take a few breaths.  We know this journey is far from over but it is beginning to be a little bit more real to us.
May 16, 2012:

June 11, 2012:

Jason and I give all the glory to God.  Without His constant presence and power we know none of this would be possible.  Thankfully we have a God where we can live without fear.  Thank you to everybody that has prayed.  The prayers have really guided us through the last 20 weeks and given us a peace we know did not come from us alone.  Please continue to pray for the next 20 weeks.  Lane Henry is one blessed little boy already to be loved by so many people.
Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me.  He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases.  Psalm 103:2-3

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